Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Thank you, MASL.

Below is a copy of my final message as President of MASL.

May 25, 2023

For my final message, I would like to share some information that led to this opportunity to serve as President of MASL. My hope is that this will inspire anyone interested in working with the Executive Board or other committees within MASL.

A few years ago, I was asked to think about running for President. During those two years, I worked within the organization to provide resources requested by members and create resources to handle what the Executive Board saw as challenges for our organization. From the I Love My School Library Award to Operation Proclamation, we were able to promote the work of school librarians in the state of Maryland and highlight our value within our school communities.

Working with the Advocacy Committee, we were able to create a toolkit for Proadvocacy, as well as take part in discussions within our state and outside to promote the role of the library advocate. Each task was completed with the desire to promote the expressed goals, mission, and vision of MASL. A tremendous responsibility, it took another year for me to consider the position and submit my name for the office of president. 

My year as president of MASL is coming to an end. I know that together we have made a positive difference. That difference came in the form of working with committees to provide resources for MASL members, as well as advocating for DC school librarians and the upcoming Freedom to Read Bill that will be proposed later this year. From engagement with legislators at the MLA Legislative Day effort to letters of advocacy when requested and a presentation at the Maryland GLSEN conference, I have been glad to represent MASL in a variety of ways.

This year, we also met with the Maryland Association of Public Libraries to build a foundation for a possible partnership. MASL also strengthened our ties with various organizations, such as the Maryland Library Association (MLA) and the Citizens of Maryland Libraries (CML). Both organizations have been helpful in providing resources and information. I look forward to seeing these partnerships grow in the future.

All my experiences as a member and now outgoing president exemplify the desire for MASL to provide leadership opportunities for MASL members.  

A sincere thank you to those who have been supportive of my role as president. Whether you contacted me via email or shared a thank you in person, you are appreciated. My thanks and appreciation cannot adequately be expressed in a written message. Please use the following link to access a montage of memories for the MASL members titled, Thanks to MASL. 


I look forward to seeing the great things Donna Mignardi, our new president, will do to continue to move MASL forward. She and members of the board have been working on great ideas. From regional meetups to a proposed format for the MASL conference, the Executive Board has been working diligently to enhance the resources available to our members. Stay tuned.

In conclusion, as we prepare for the summer, I encourage any MASL member who has not already done so to join a committee and/or attend a committee meeting. Your input is valued and needed. 


Together, we are stronger.



Tatanisha “Tiki” Love, Ed.S.

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