Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Recognizing AAPI Month

 Are you looking for ways to recognize AAPI Month in your library?

The Very Asian Foundation along with We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) and The Asian/Pacific Librarians Association of the ALA (APALA) recently created a project called The May Book Project.  

Created as a way to provide information that can be used to promote Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the May Book Project has a variety of resources.

In a poignant video, students express the importance of seeing themselves in a book and detail the steps taken to complete The May Book Project.

Via The Very Asian Book Project website, visitors can also located booklists:
"We are raising national awareness of the need to create inclusive libraries, give readers access to up-to-date Asian American literature, and provide funding for donating books to libraries." -- Very Asian Foundation

The website also contains rubrics, toolkits, and a chance to donate to the project, as well.

Looking for other resources? The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has teaching resources available, as well as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).