Friday, March 20, 2020

What a Difference a Week Makes

Last week, we were closing schools in my district for what seemed like a two-week break.  Language Arts and Reading teachers were given a schedule to come to the library to have their students check out books.  Teachers and students helped me assist students and provide suggestions. Last Friday, over 500 books were checked out at our school.  I ended the day with sore feet and a happy heart. I had been able to see many students. At the time, my only concern was getting a few more supplies and soaking my feet.

Today, my concerns have grown. With each news conference and news segment, I grow concerned.  From disbelief to anger, to sadness. For a workaholic like me, I guess these are stages of grieving.  A week ago, I had ideas of things I would get done during the "break."  I had ideas about doing workouts and catching up on sleep and following-up on phone calls.  Today, I vacillate between pragmatism and defeatism. I guess that's normal for this pandemic we are facing. The world hasn't faced such an issue in its history.  During a time of "self-distancing" and talks of quarantines, I think my concerns are valid.

Today, I began to think of what I can do to help lessen the moments of defeatism.  I came up with a few things.  I don't think these are novel ideas but they may help others. Here it goes.

1.  I'm going to create a schedule for myself. I'm a WORKaholic. As such, I need something productive to do.  Whether it's creating resources for a virtual community of educators, sharing ideas with coworkers, sharing resources with friends. I'm going to create something, do something every day.

2.  I'm going to do something for others.  During a time of isolation, that may be difficult.  Two things came to mind.  I already mentioned doing things for the educational community but the call for DIY masks and blood drives are two areas where I can also assist. Even if the DIY masks are just for me, it should help lessen (see CDC suggestions) airborne pathogens spread just from breathing, speaking, etc. 

3.  I'm going to exercise.  It might be yoga, a walk or an IG group that listens to music from a DJ during a live session.  Whatever I do, I have to exercise and get an endorphin release that will help my mood.

4.  Communicate.  I'm not a talker.  It was after I chatted with my mom yesterday, that I saw how much it helped with my mood. The feelings of fear and worries that I held in for a few days lessened once I spoke about my concerns.  We may be physically isolated but we don't have to isolate our entire spirits and beings. Talking and communicating is going to be key for me and for others.

5. I'm going to pray and read my scripture.  This may not apply to everyone but for me, scripture eases my fears and gives me an anchor.  For me, prayer is going to help me during this time of uncertainty.

How are you coping? I'm curious about what others are doing to help themselves and others during this time of uncertainty.  Please share with me. Even it's only virtual, we can build a community. 

Take care,


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Adventures in The LC Newsletter

I'm working on a new post.  Until it is published, click here to read the recent newsletter for our school library, The LILTC.